‘Liza: A Truly Terrific, Absolutely True Story’ Review: Delightful Doc Celebrates the Extraordinary Career of a Rare Icon

Tribeca 2024: Bruce David Klein’s documentary spares some details as it explores what it takes to be a legend like Minnelli

Liza Minnelli
Liza Minnelli

We overuse the word “icon” so often, few people actually realize the great secret behind those who truly deserve the designation: an unthinkable level of hard work.

Sure, extraordinary charisma is essential and rare talent doesn’t hurt. But the key element, the one that will get you EGOT-level achievements and eternal admiration? That doesn’t happen unless you’re prepared to dance on bleeding feet.

So as icons go, Bruce David Klein (“Icahn: The Restless Billionaire”) couldn’t have chosen a better subject. As we see in his delightful documentary “Liza: A Truly Terrific, Absolutely True Story,” Liza Minnelli worked nonstop for half a century.


One response to “‘Liza: A Truly Terrific, Absolutely True Story’ Review: Delightful Doc Celebrates the Extraordinary Career of a Rare Icon”

  1. Barbara Fox Avatar
    Barbara Fox

    When I was in my teens, a family friend took me to see Liza Minnelli in her live stage show at the New Haven Colosseum. This was during the period that saw her in success after success – notably an Oscar for “Cabaret”, an Emmy for “Liza With a Z” and plenty of other honors. Watching her on the New Haven stage I was struck by what a complete entertainer she truly was, and by her sincere love for her audience.

    Then, more recently, I saw her present at the Oscars with Lady Gaga. Ms. Minnelli was clearly frail, wheelchair bound, but glowing. When Lady Gaga reassured her that “I have you,” Minnelli looked up at her with a radiant smile and said, “I know you do, dear.” I cried then, tears both happy and sad.

    A great talent, no doubt, and a gentle yet determined spirit. I do hope that she has found the happiness she long sought.

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