‘Wolf Pack’ Review: Sarah Michelle Gellar Can’t Save Humorless Teen Drama

The new Paramount+ series from “Teen Wolf” creator Jeff Davis lacks the joy and camp that made that show work

WOLF PACK — Sarah Michelle Gellar stars as Kristin Ramsy in WOLF PACK on Paramount+. Photo: Curtis Bonds Baker/PARAMPOUNT+. Photo: Curtis Bonds Baker/Paramount+ © 2022 MTVE All Rights Reserved.

On paper, “Wolf Pack,” Paramount+’s newest supernatural teen drama, has it all. It’s a show with “Wolf” in the title, created by Jeff Davis, the same guy who created both “Criminal Minds” and the ridiculous and beloved TV show version of “Teen Wolf.” It’s got a diverse cast of hot 20-somethings playing teenagers who sometimes turn into wolves, and, most importantly, it stars supernatural teen drama icon Sarah Michelle Gellar. So it’s unfortunate that “Wolf Pack” doesn’t all come together, at least in the first two episodes made available for review.

The series centers on teens Everett (Armani Jackson) and Blake (Bella Shepard), two opposite teens who both get bitten by some mysterious wolf-like creature when their school bus is derailed by rapidly spreading wildfires.
