‘Black Box Diaries’ Review: Shiori Ito’s Look at Her Own Sexual Assault Is Marvelous and Impactful

Sundance 2024: The film shows other survivors that it is possible to rebuild yourself while finding meaningful justice

"Black Box Diaries"
"Black Box Diaries" (CREDIT: Sundance)

Japanese journalist Shiori Ito’s “Black Box Diaries” opens with a call to victims. “I know there are countless numbers of you out there who have experienced sexual violence,” Ito writes to them, her elegant handwriting placed on top of footage of running water peppered with fallen cherry blossoms.

“Please be mindful of the triggers in this film. Close your eyes and take a deep breath if you need to. That has helped me many times.” And, in kinship, it feels as though Ito is holding out her hand to them as she asks, “Now let me tell you my story.”


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