‘The Welkin’ Off Broadway Review: Sandra Oh Is One of 12 Angry Women

Female grievances flood the stage in Lucy Kirkwood’s wild new play

"The Welkin" Off Broadway
"The Welkin" Off Broadway

Sandra Oh makes for a very effective Henry Fonda, as he appeared in “Twelve Angry Men.” She also manages to convey Nancy Kelly at her most distraught and maternal in “The Bad Seed.” And swirling around this actor are another 15 equally gifted performers who bring to mind “The Crucible” in its most powerful moments and “Dead Ringers” at its most lurid. Lucy Kirkwood’s sometimes bewildering and always fascinating new play “The Welkin” opened Wednesday at the Atlantic Theater Company after its world premiere at London’s National Theatre in 2020.

Among the aforementioned works, “Dead Ringers” probably needs the most explanation, and it’s a good place to begin to describe Kirkwood’s wild new play.


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