‘Julia’ Directors on How Lockdown Changed Their View of Food and Julia Child

TIFF 2021: Julie Cohen and Betsy West follow up “RBG” with a look at the Queen of Cooking TV Shows

For millions of people, one way of getting through the doldrums of pandemic lockdown was through cooking shows on Netflix and YouTube, all of which trace their origins to Julia Child, the subject of Julie Cohen and Betsy West’s next documentary, “Julia.”

After directing the Oscar-nominated “RBG,” Cohen and West traveled to France to talk with chefs and contemporaries of Child from her days of training at Le Cordon Bleu before becoming a TV star with “The French Chef.” In an interview with TheWrap’s Sharon Waxman at the Toronto International Film Festival, Cohen and West discussed how COVID-19 hit right as they finished filming and how the experience of editing the film under quarantine deepened their appreciation for both Child and French cuisine.


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