A stop-motion workplace comedy set in the very woke, furiously progressive world of an NPR talk show, Peacock’s “In the Know” is a collaboration between Mike Judge and the longtime team of Zach Woods and Brandon Gardner. Woods, best known for playing Gabe Lewis on “The Office” and Jared Dunn on “Silicon Valley,” voices Lauren Caspian, the “third most popular host on NPR” and an obsessively virtue-signaling interviewer for whom no social issue is too big to be viewed through the lens of his own fragile ego.
Each episode includes at least one interview with a live-action guest who appears on Caspian’s screen; those sequences are taken from hour-long interviews in which Woods and his guests (including Ken Burns, Finn Wolfhard, Mike Tyson, Hugh Laurie and Tegan and Sara) improvise their deliciously awkward conversations.
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